Terms of Use
Current database tries to meet Real Estate Developers with Real Estate Agencies who want to commercialize that properties so data shared between both parts will be the minimum necessary to perform this service correctly. Apart from that, the company managing this database (FABRA COSTA SL) will keep the necessary data to bill the services provided to the clients.
To fulfill Reglament (UE) 2016/679 from European Parliament relative to protection of people related to their personal data and following the Recommendations from Spanish Agency for Data Protection, we inform:
Personal and company data asked and given by you will be added to a database, and managed to inform the profesionals involved in the inmobiliary real estate sector, so you give your express consent to share this data.
We will ask the minimum data necessary to provide a correct service, it could be possible to ask data from third parties like collaborators involved in the selling of Real Estate Properties.
All data collected will be treated confidentially, with the mandatory safety regulations and will be able to be given to third parties if this is strictly necessary to fullfill the service.
Once finished the relationship between FABRA COSTA SL and client, data will be stored during four years and will be removed after that.
Data given will be included as Clients from FABRA COSTA SL with the aim of managing the service contracted like produce bills, contact via email, etc..
We also inform of your rights to access, rectify, cancel and opposite the data stored, doing that via letter to FABRA COSTA SL with address at C/Colón, 64, 1ºB; 03700 Denia (Alicante) or via email to address info@redsp.es